Tristan Gatto is a licensed physical therapist and registered yoga teacher for more than a decade and a best-selling DailyOM course author. He is the creator of Yoga Prehab®, an ultra-safe, customizable method he created to protect the body, relieve pain, build greater strength and mobility, and bring back joy to your everyday life. Tristan believes that movement can serve as the first line of defense to combat pain, stiffness, and inflammation — and prevent it from occurring in the first place. His deeply accessible PT-based yoga and wellness courses, suitable for all fitness levels, have helped upwards of 160,000 people worldwide discover a life without pain. From retirees to celebrity clients like Suzanne Somers and Procter & Gamble, Tristan also provides 1:1 Anti-Aging coaching worldwide with coveted techniques that prevent age-related pain & body stiffness, “anti-age” your movement long-term and bring more freedom into your day-to-day life.
As a free gift from Tristan, join his Movement Monday weekly emails series where you’ll receive stretches and exercises to keep your body moving and healthy for a lifetime. Sign up here: https://tristangatto.com/movement-monday